NEW MUSIC: Dungen & Woods – “Loop” by Mexican Summer

Dungen & Woods – “Loop”
Opening cut “Loop,” one of five brand-new instrumentals featured on Marfa Myths 003, sets off the recording by placing the groups’ most striking properties on display. It’s easy to hear the racing, off-kilter rhythm folding in on itself, progressive rock prowess courting the storm of Reine Fiske’s unmistakable cloud of fuzz and the folk/world leanings that inform some of Woods’ more recent work. We hear the repetitive strum of African-influenced acoustic guitar surging along with the bass in fifths beneath the beat, as Gustav Ejstes’ flute lead ably carries the hook in the fashion of all great Dungen songs. Here the aggressiveness of the beat sets off the most recognizable traits of both groups, but leavened with one another’s presence. Here is mastery with warmth, a wordless circuit that prepares the listener for the experience to follow.

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