NEW MUSIC: Blue Water by Boys Age

Blue Water
I suddenly felt lost when I remembered that white coast.
Sorrowful ran through across my heart.
a spray of water (on that day) patted me gently (i remembering)
Those truths caused stir ripples on my heart

*Did I get a valid reward for what I did?
No one give me answer. There’s no one any more
I heared the sound of that waves breaking on a shore.
It’ll be my ballad with moon.

the sunshine fall on ocean and the lights flicked on surface.
diamond bullets sparkling on the sky. Or
the moon rising on and the souls flicked on a moonlit beach.
marinblue dusts to dance on night.

*Did I get a valid reward for what I did?
No one give me answer. There’s no one any more
I heared the sound of that waves breaking on a shore.
Blue water dissolves in the darkness calmly.
It’ll be my ballad with moon.
released June 18, 2018
model : Allison Jester
photo by Michael Dameron

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